
Kim Pereira

I started painting in oils during 2010 with my cousin, Deanne Donaldson, at Art Space in Durban.

I was still practicing architecture at the time (I studied architectural drafting). During 2016 I gave up full-time architecture to concentrate on my art. 

I currently work from ‘The Artroom’ at Studio 3 on Durban’s Point waterfront, where I share the space with 2 other artists.

We don’t accommodate walk-in visits but you’re welcome to make an appointment to pop in or join us for an open studio morning, which is held quarterly.

More About Kim

My favourite subjects at the moment (I go through phases) are birds, specifically flamingos, and bringing those into my latest works. I also have a great interest in figurative studies so love to bring figures into my pieces as well. Portraiture has a special place in my heart and I was very fortunate to have been selected for the Sanlam Top 50 competition at the Rust-en-Vrede Art Gallery in Cape Town. I really love portraiture and most of my portrait works are of friends or family, or commission-based.

I’ve also recently taken part in group exhibitions at Talloula’s in Botha’s Hill, the Westville Art Gallery, and the Lifestyle Gallery in Ballito where I have some work at the moment. I’m hoping to be able to show my work in more Cape Town galleries during 2022. 

My favourite medium and first love is oils. There’s something so fresh about them: they’re pliable and you can use them diluted to create washes, or work in their thick, fat, juicy original form. I’m recently enjoying working in pen and ink but always find myself going back to the oils. 

Everyday objects are my main source of inspiration. I’m fascinated with light and shade and how objects look in different lighting. And I’m forever taking photos of everyday objects, of the beach (I love seascapes), and quirky landscape features. All my work is referenced from my own photos. 

When I’m not painting, I still enjoy a little architectural design in my spare time, and love spending family time with my hubby, our 3 sons, and English bulldog. 

Sharing my knowledge gives me great enjoyment and I run beginners oil painting classes twice a week, where I share the latest tricks and techniques I’ve learned, and whatever I’m busy exploring in my own work. Pleases contact me for more info. 

Please browse my gallery to learn more about my work and the story behind each piece. If you’d like to commission something specific, you can find all the relevant info on my Commissions page. 

To watch behind-the-scenes videos and follow my daily progress on works and in-studio antics and updates, please give me a follow on Instagram @kimpereira_art.